19 Years
Iron Order
Motorcycle Club
Iron Order Motorcycle Club
In April 2005, the IOMC opened its first Mother Chapter clubhouse in Louisville, KY. By late 2005, the IOMC had grown to 6 chapters, (Louisville, KY; Atlanta, GA; Columbus, IN; Cincinnati, OH; Washington, D.C.; and West Palm Beach, FL) and the IOMC has been growing steadily since.
We have learned many things about the MC world and ourselves since our inception. We realize that we are not perfect, and we do not claim to be. We make no apologies for who we are and what we believe in. We respect all clubs and support those that support us. We are an independent and neutral Motorcycle Club, and we mind our own business. We started that way and we will continue that way. We run our club by the very same MC traditions established over 50 years ago by motorcycle clubs. We are not 1%ers, nor are we a riding club and we are not a HOG chapter. We are a three piece patch Motorcycle Club. We have a strong Brotherhood between all our chapters. Hence, we believe in My Brother Before Me (MBBM); our Brotherhood is like a family.
The IOMC is completely independent and bound to no one. We follow our own destiny, truly free from all other’s rules and protocols. We refuse to be dictated by anyone; who we have as members; where we can have chapters; what we can wear; where we can go; or what we can do. That is how the IOMC was started, how it is today and the way it will be in the future. This is the heritage of the IOMC.
We are what we say we are, nothing more and nothing less. If you are law abiding, desire strong Brotherhood and believe riding a motorcycle is not a solo event, maybe we are for you. If you are looking for something other than what we stand for, then we are not for you and you should look elsewhere. We are constantly asked, “What is the IOMC?” Our reply is simple- read everything on our website and on our chapter’s websites, then come by and meet us, and decide for yourself what the IOMC is and if we are for you.

Iron Order Maidens
The Iron Order Maidens are the “better halves” of the Brothers of the Iron Order MC. These are women that wish to be a part of the IO Nation in support of their respective chapters. The IOMC is a traditional MC’s which means only men can pursue entrance as a full patched member. The Iron Order Maidens have patches of their own which they wear proudly as sisters. The amazing women of the IO Nation help with club events, charity work, and raising money for the local chapter. As much as they enjoy helping the club and community, they love gathering together at events and parties to enjoy their Sisterhood.